Adventure is out there!

After a long run on Saturday and a decent 8 miler on Tuesday it was time for the Thursday morning run. It was my turn to get to John's house for 7:15. I'd been awake since 5:30 so that wasn't a problem. We set off for the hills and climbed Caesar's Fort again. A tough incline to get the blood pumping. From the top we could see the sun just beginning to rise over the sea towards Belgium. We tracked west through thick mud which was more sticky than squelchy due to the cold - it was only a couple of degrees above zero and there was frost on the grass. Our path took us over the white horse marked on the side of the hill and the Channel Tunnel below that. We turned north and joined the road which wound its way towards the copse and radio mast the other side of Peene village. In the past we have crossed through the fields but we went further on the road for some reason, stopping to see the sun now fully up and glowing a deep orange. Eventually we spotted a footpath si...