Pre-marathon thoughts and update on progress

Another good week last week with the long run on Saturday being the highlight. I’m still managing to do the yoga and eat healthily although I did have an extra bottle of wine.

This week has been a different matter. With the Beachy head Marathon coming up I am on a taper, so no running, or limited anyway. I’ve been helped in this by moving house which has kept me busy.

I continue to do my yoga stretches and have done plenty of walking to keep active. I already have my kit laid out in preparation. I’ll be taking a jacket, hat and gloves as the temperature is due to drop for the weekend. My camelback will provide the water I need and will also store some mini cheddars, a protein bar and some energy sweets.

My train leaves Folkestone at 6am which will enable me time to fuel up on the journey. The plan is to have a bowl of porridge and a strong coffee before leaving the house. On the train I will add a banana, some sandwiches and another coffee.

I’m due in to Eastbourne station at 7:42 so hopefully I’ll have time to get there, pick up my number and warm up before the off at 9am. I’ll be meeting the other bald monkey at the start line.

Today I’m feeling pretty rough to be honest. I’ve had a scratchy throat and blocked nose all week. I also feel quite low on energy. This could be as much maranoia as real issues, but I’m not taking any chances.

My morning starts with multi vitamins and cod liver oil, I then drink Boost fruit tea with B6 and Lemon and Ginger tea during the day along with lots of cold water. I’m choosing to rest today and tomorrow rather than run just to try and get my energy levels up.

John’s been suffering too but on the day we’re sure to get around. It looks like it will be dry albeit a little chilly first thing. Just right really. Almost 4000 feet of elevation with some steep climbs of up to 38%.

I can’t wait now. Just want to get there and start. You can read about the experience here next week.


Last week I also had a medical at my doctors. Just a general health check. Turns out I'm pretty healthy. Still 5'10" and 66 kg / 10st 6lbs, with a BMI of 21, exactly mid point for a healthy weight.

My resting heart rate was 64 bpm (normal scale being 60-100 bpm)
Blood pressure was 130/80  (high normal with normal being 120/80)
Cholesterol was spot on with a ratio of good to bad of 3.58 (recommended 5 or below)

As an ex-smoker and with a family history of high blood pressure I had a risk quotient of 2.42% well below the 10% or under needed to be low-risk but higher than it would otherwise have been.

My heart age is 45 so almost double my real age ;-) The advice given by the nurse was more of the same but a little less alcohol. Well you can't have everything!

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