Running improvements

Despite this year being my most prolific in terms of miles covered, it hasn’t been my best in terms of running performance. One of the reasons for this is the lack of care and attention I have given to other aspects of my physical and mental wellbeing.

Running well is not just about the running. It involves so many other facets from diet and sleep to hydration, stress and flexibility. At any one time I am focussing on one or two of these, but rarely do they all have my full attention. The result is often that I run well but not at my best.

During October I am attempting to build in some strong habits to hold me in good stead over the winter months. This takes self-discipline, sacrifice, effort and not a little stubbornness. I lack the first, don’t like the second, try and avoid the third as often as possible, but have bucketloads of the fourth.

The reason for writing about this is to feel that I’m being made accountable. By blogging about how I am doing through the month should keep me focussed and I’ll attempt to do so every week.

So, two days in and I’m doing OK! I’ve been eating three good meals a day, not drinking alcohol, increasing my water consumption, relaxing and practicing yoga stretches. Unfortunately, my sleep has not been great and moving to a new house is creating a fair degree of stress. I’m trying to make time for prayer and meditation to help deal with that.

My only run so far this week was on Monday. It was a hard, fast 15 miles with hills. Many of my runs are slow and steady so I want to do more tempo runs. This involves bringing my times down from 8-minute miles to 7-minute miles. I managed 8 of the 15 miles covered at sub 7 pace despite being on inclined trails for much of it, so was pleased with my performance.

Today I will be running the 10 miles from Folkestone to Dover over the South Downs. My aim is to manage a good tempo pace of 7:30 minute miles plus hitting the 10% incline of Dover Hill hard.

A speed session with John tomorrow night will also help bring in some much-needed training in that area. My stamina is very good, my strength good but I lack speed over shorter distances.

I’m hoping that by adding some variation into my running, improving my flexibility and rest periods and taking seriously the way I fuel my body I can try and recapture something of the form I was displaying three years ago when I managed PBs at all distances.

Obviously, I’m now three years older but I don’t see why what I may have lost in added years I can’t recoup through improved technique to at least get back near my best times, if not beat them. Even if that doesn’t happen I will enjoy the challenge of trying.

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