The parkrun 20202020 challenge - Number 8

Dulwich parkrun was up next, a nice flat triple loop of the park. I ran there via Sydenham for the S of my London A-Z. Unfortunately the map didn't reveal the elevation and I arrived having climbed the steep Sydenham Hill. I did a reccy lap to cool down and ensure I had the course right. It was a good job I did as I would have started at the wrong entrance.

Once at the right start point I set off quick. At Southwark I did a slower first mile before speeding up towards the end. This time I thought I would try a strong first mile and try to sustain it. If I was tired on the third mile I could afford to ease off and still manage a sub 20.

The park was relatively full for an evening. I had to cancel my usual morning run and had arrived at 7pm. It was overcast but humid and the sweat was soon dripping down my bald head. Fortunately the path is very wide and so social distancing was not a problem at all.

The course is basically a squashed circle around the lake with a few small twists. It was nice not to have a 180 turn around which takes away all your momentum. I smashed the first mile in 6.04 and kept pushing on my usually slower middle mile. To my surprise I managed 6.1 only a fraction slower. I was pleased with that consistency.

The plan was to slow down now but as usual this was just a lie I was telling myself to get a fast time and I pushed on even harder. By now I was drenched in sweat and breathing hard. Families walking through the park must have wondered what I was up to as I stormed past, gasping and puffing.

Finally I reached the last corner and glanced at my watch. 0.1 to go and the third mile ticked through at 5.49. I gritted my teeth and pushed for the last 150 metres which seemed to last forever. Finally I saw 3.1 and stooped the watch before collapsing on the ground in a red, sweaty mess. It read 18:29, just 2 seconds off my PB. I punched the ground in anger and frustration. So close.

When I had recovered and calmed down I felt good about my time, after all it was the second fastest 5k I have ever run. A PB would have been nice, but I took from it that I could definitely beat my best time on a race day with others to run against. Having just past my birthday I took this as a sign that I don't need to give up on PB's quite yet.

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