Inspiring runners - Paul Commons

I first met Paul at an event run by Saxons, Vikings and Normans (SVN). They stage numerous events where people can run anything from 5k to an ultra marathon within a seven hour period. The medals and goody bags are amazing. The best thing about the 'races' are that they aren't races. People walk, walk/run, and yes, some go for fast times. There is a mix of abilities and everyone is there to encourage and support one another. SVN also helps people achieve incredible goals like 100 marathons, 20 marathons in 20 days etc. Paul is a regular at their events. Yet just six years ago he wouldn't have been found anywhere near them. I spoke to Paul about how and why he became a runner. Paul ran cross country at school. Unlike many children he enjoyed it. As he grew up he was very active and practiced marshal arts, becoming a 4th dan black belt. His career went well and he was successful earning good money. However, he began to mistreat his body and rely more and more on alcohol. ...