So. No parkrun. Bam. Suddenly this pandemic becomes much more serious. Joking aside losing this part of my week hurts. It makes me angry, sad and a little frightened at the thought that soon we may not be able to go out and run freely. The things you take for granted... For now I don't see myself focussing on running at all. I'll need to get out for my sanity, but any goals and plans seem of so little importance. Family first. I do want to use this time positively though. Firstly because it is a stress relief for me and a way that I keep the black dog at bay. Without it I know I will be a less patient, more frustrated and unhappier person in myself and for people to be around. Secondly I want to maintain my physical health. Not just so as not to lose all I have gained, but also to be in a better condition to fight off any viruses etc. Thirdly it is an opportunity. Working from home provides more time as I have no commute, can work flexibly, and have more control ove...