So. No parkrun. Bam. Suddenly this pandemic becomes much more serious. Joking aside losing this part of my week hurts. It makes me angry, sad and a little frightened at the thought that soon we may not be able to go out and run freely. The things you take for granted...

For now I don't see myself focussing on running at all. I'll need to get out for my sanity, but any goals and plans seem of so little importance. Family first.

I do want to use this time positively though. Firstly because it is a stress relief for me and a way that I keep the black dog at bay. Without it I know I will be a less patient, more frustrated and unhappier person in myself and for people to be around.

Secondly I want to maintain my physical health. Not just so as not to lose all I have gained, but also to be in a better condition to fight off any viruses etc.

Thirdly it is an opportunity. Working from home provides more time as I have no commute, can work flexibly, and have more control over when and how I do things.

So this is the plan to keep me focussed, how well I carry it out will be another matter. Many external factors can also change things.

  1. Make regular stretching and yoga a part of my day.
  2. Eat healthier and cut down on alcohol as I will be running less.
  3. Be thankful for the freedoms we still have and remember this time in the future when we have running back again.
  4. Get out and run when possible. No spitting!
  5. Continue to read and write about my hobby/sport.
  6. Rest. I have been running solidly barring small injuries for 8 years. For the last 18 months I have been averaging 180 miles a month. Some prolonged rest won't hurt.

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