The best thing about being injured...

It was too good to be true. As September approached I began to believe that I would make it through a whole year without injury. Eight months of pure running pleasure, six of those making a century of miles, and I was feeling that I had finally cracked it. Consistency. Then I ran the Northampton Half Marathon - hard - and decided that I'd be fine to do a sponsored run of 20 miles just six days later. Some people never learn! After ten miles I was knackered, mentally and physically I was at such a low. At one point I stared at the hill before me in dread, turned around and ran in the opposite direction. I should have known then that something wasn't right. Not right mentally but also not right physically as my hip began to get sore. For the first time since I started running three years ago I thought about giving it up. The next day my hip was agony so I was sensible and rested. Well that is what I should have done. Instead I went out for a three mile...