PB Manchester

My first and probably only marathon of 2015 was due to take place in Manchester. I had booked to run it in 2014 but won a place at the London Marathon which occurs during the same month and wisely decided to defer my entry. So it was that I began my training for the event in January having just managed to get rid of a heavy cold that lingered throughout Christmas and the New Year. My plan was to increase my mileage to 100 miles a month and steadily up my long runs to 20 miles a few weeks before the race. I planned in a couple of half marathons in February and March with an eye to a new half marathon PB but also to keep my speed training in line with my endurance work. It was a tight schedule but I knew everything had to go to plan if I was to hit my target. I wasn't taking any chances. During Lent I also gave up alcohol for seven weeks so I was probably the fittest I have ever been over those first months. Eating well, training hard, not drinking and making time for re...