Back to the physio

After a few weeks of discomfort in my lower left leg I finally managed to arrange an appointment with my physio. It was only six weeks ago that I was there asking about a problem with my upper right leg! The treatment and exercises prescribed soon sorted out my hip flexor strain and nerve damage and I was hoping for a equally fast recovery this time. The problem I've experienced has been a sharp pain down the inside of my shin bone. It seems worse when I am at rest than when I run and I have felt less confident planting my left leg causing me to overcompensate at times. I have applied the RICE technique but it has made very little difference. My fear has been that it may be a fracture which would be devastating. My next race is the Great North Run on the 7th September and I have resisted booking any further events unsure whether I will be fit to run. During August I continued to run with the aim of completing the challenge set by my running group of 100 miles and 1000 pre...