Feelin' fair geffard a'ter faffin and gettin' clarty on mi'sen in't dales*

*Feeling worn out after messing about and getting dirty by myself in the dales. Day two in the Yorkshire Dales... Following the beating I experienced on my first day in the Dales, I had decided not to take part in the second recce day. This turned out not to be an option anyway as there was no train to get me to the start line. I'm sure there was when I first looked. However, the sun was shining and I felt much fresher after a good night's sleep and a hot meal. I was keen to get out again, this time on my own. After a leisurely breakfast I headed up the nearest hill from the centre of Settle. This turned out to be Warrendale Knotts, a series of limescale knolls above the town. A steep road wound its way to a gate after which it was muddy, rocky trails again. This time they were much drier and I was wearing a new pair of Saucony trail shoes that had an excellent grip. Skylarks, nesting in the long grass, shot into the sky as I passed, calling out with their melodic whistles. I ...