The run where it was a struggle

Some days you’re just not on it. There is no rhyme or reason. You get up in the morning feeling good, injury free and looking forward to pounding the streets, but when you get out there it is nothing but a struggle. I’ve experienced this more than a few times over the years and still can’t predict when it will hit. I’m just thankful when it isn’t on a race day or coinciding with another important event. Such was the case on Saturday. I arrived at John’s house at 7am and the plan was for a long run before parkrun. He had a route in mind that would be close to half marathon distance. The recent wet and windy weather had calmed and there was an autumn chill in the air as we set off from the ‘burbs. Leaving Cheriton we made our way out towards the Channel Tunnel entrance but took a footpath into the nearby woodland. It always makes me feel so alive running through a natural tunnel of trees. Chestnuts cases were laid strewn on the muddy floor, their bright green spikey shells like small e...