The quiet runner

I've been absent from this blog for a number of months now. Life sometimes gets busy! So what have I been up to running wise? The year started well with an average of 80 miles run each month. I ran in the Milton Keynes Half Marathon and did ok but felt a degree of cramp and discomfort at the end. This was the beginning of what I am calling the year of the niggle. Back pain, foot pain, leg pain. You name it I've suffered with it this year. It has taken it's toll and my running came to a dramatic halt at the end of June following a number of good parkrun times close to the 19 minute mark. A concentrated and prolonged pain in my left thigh led me back to the physio. The pain was not only present when I ran but all the time. It was worse in the mornings when I woke up. Following a number of consultations and tests the physio identified an issue with my posture and running style that have probably exacerbated the issues over the last few years. My pelvis is tilted bot...