No running in 2024?

You may have noticed that I have not written anything on this blog in 2024. Does this mean I've stopped running? No. I've just stopped writing about it. Why? I have no excuse other than laziness. As usual I started the year aiming to continue to run regularly, but to lower my mileage which seems to increase year on year. Failed. Somehow I've managed to accumulate over 1000 miles within the first four months. Most of this has been here in London. A combination of winter weather, financial constraints and personal circumstances have resulted in little travel, but that is all set to change. In May I will be heading to the Lake District and I have a September trip to the Swiss Alps booked. I'm hopeful that I will also get to Wales, Scotland and the Peak District again. I'll try and write more regularly about these trips. I often feel that people won't be so interested in the runs I do here in London, but I suppose to anyone who doesn't live here they may appea...