Bromley Bimble II

Back in February Matt S and I headed south from Lewisham through Bromley and into Kent. The loop brought us back after 31 miles of winter running. We promised to return in the summer to see how the countryside would have changed, and to run the route in reverse. May arrived and we managed to find a date that worked for both of us. It was 25th May. The sun wasn't shining, but we were in t-shirts this time as opposed to multiple layers and coats. As for our surroundings they couldn't have been more different. In February the trees were skeletal, there was little wildlife and, despite the beauty, nature was in hibernation. Now birds were singing, flies, bees and wasps buzzed through the thick sea of ferns and goose grass. The trees were heavy with bright green leaves and horse chestnut candles. In February we took the route anti-clockwise. This time we headed clockwise. The route took us out through Grove Park, Chinbrook and Elmstead before we arrived at the woods. Scrogginhall ...