Go East, young man

OK, so I'm pushing it with the 'young' part. It was a quiet Sunday in mid-September. Blue sky was visible between scattered white clouds on a slightly cooler day with an autumnal feel. The intense heat of summer had passed and a firm wind was blowing. Winds of change were very much in the air with a new Prime Minister in place and the country mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II. I sensed the sombre atmosphere outside as I left my house and passed through the quieter than usual streets of Lewisham. It was the day before the funeral when it seemed that the entire country stopped and took time to remember and give thanks for the monarch's 96 years of life and 70 years on the throne. Why east? I often ran west, towards the city, towards the sights. Today I fancied a change, plus the wind was coming from the west. I'd check out some of the less well known parts of the River Thames. My route took me up to Blackheath before descending into Greenwich. A nice steep hil...