What do you do on a day off?

Simple. Go for a run. I found myself with a day booked off work and, with my daughter in nursery, nothing else to do. There was a part of me that considered going back to bed for a couple of hours, but the bright sunshine was calling me outside. It has been some time since I last went running up in the hills around Folkestone and I missed the trails. It had been raining consistently for the last few weeks so I looked forward to some nice muddy sections. My route took me along the seafront towards the east of town. There was a strong, cold easterly wind in my face the whole way. I was wearing my jacket and gloves and for the first time for months was glad to have them. The tide was out as far as it can go and revealed a huge beach at Sunny Sands. Adjacent to this were thousands of black rocks jutting out into the sea. At the end of the promenade I ran up the steps and then climbed the long hill past the pitch and put course and the Martello Tower. From this point it bec...