Taper time

It’s a difficult week. I’m on a taper in preparation for Sunday’s marathon. Hence, I feel tetchy, frustrated and antsy. I’m not sure if I will make it through the whole week without a run. I’m already itching to get out and it has only been 3 days. I feel ready for it. I have plenty miles under my belt this year – 1000 so far – and I have done a couple of 20+ runs in recent weeks. I’ve also done a lot of hill work whereas the course I will be running is pretty flat. A daily yoga routine is keeping me supple and I don’t have any twinges so far. The marathon is taking place in Thanet, which is an area covering the north eastern tip of Kent. Starting in Margate, it does a small loop before heading out to Ramsgate and back. There are a few small hills but nothing major. It is described as undulating. My goal is to come in under 3:30 but a small part of me wants to go sub 3:25. I think it is possible, but it will need me to be on top form and for everything to fall right on the day. Tha...