The run where I have an adventure

The second bank holiday weekend of the month and another long run was planned for Saturday morning. (Photos are all at the end as there seems to be a problem adding them into the text) I rose early and scoffed down a shot of coffee and a bowl of Weetabix (other wheat-based breakfast biscuits are available) before driving over to Folkestone to meet John. It was misty and grey, but sun had been promised for the entire bank holiday weekend. John was already outside his house stretching and we wasted no time in setting off. We ascended Castle Hill/Caesars Camp and were at the top of the hills by 7am. Our chosen route was west towards the Channel Tunnel. Over the last few weeks the Cowslips had been replaced with a carpet of buttercups and we ran through them as we traversed the narrow grassy trail. When we reached the road to Newington we turned inland rather than take our usual route descending towards the village. In an attempt to leave the asphalt we tried a couple of o...