Don't stop me now, coz I'm having a good time, having a run....

I awoke at 5am and struggled to get back to sleep. When my alarm eventually went off at 6 I jumped out of bed excited to be going for a long run. On the drive over to Folkestone I noticed how the scenery alongside the dual carriageway had changed in just a few weeks. The monochrome margins of winter had transformed into bright green hedgerows. Colour was back in nature. My running buddy John and I had planned to head up to the North Downs Way prior to the week's parkrun. I had been enthusing about the lunchtime run I had done midweek and we planned to follow the same route parallel with the Channel Tunnel, across the top of the downs heading East and then back down into the town. Grey mist enfolded the hills like a thick blanket as we pushed inside, eventually emerging the other side. As we climbed a pair of pheasants clattered across the road startled by our presence, wet dandelion clocks and bluebells marked the verges like cats eyes on a motorway. The road clim...