Sculpture in the City

London is full of sculptures. There are thousands, from the traditional to the abstract. Occasionally a new trail appears. Last week I ran the Mayfair Sculpture Trail. This week it was Sculpture in the City, 20 artworks scattered around the City of London's financial district.

I ran the usual route to central London from Lewisham up through Brookmill Park to Deptford and then along the A200 to Southwark Park and the last mile along the Thames Path to London Bridge. From there it was just a short jog north to Liverpool Street Station.

The pieces were all located between here, Aldgate East station and Fenchurch Street station. Here they are in the order I visited.

Miss by Emma Louise Moore

Burial by Alice Channer

Nests by Victor Seaward

Rough Neck Business by Mike Ballard

The Garden of Floating Words by Elisa Artesero

Untitled by Bosco Sodi

Nests continued by Victor Seaward

Earthing by Jocelyn McGregor

Habitat by Pedro Pires

In Loving Memory by Oliver Bragg

The Granary by Jesse Pollock

Summer Moon by Ugo Rondinone

Sandwich by Sarah Lucas

In Loving Memory by Oliver Bragg

Cosmos by Eva Rothschild

We by Emma Smith

Generations (Part 2) by Claudia Wieser

Invasion by Shezad Dawood

Symbols by Guillaume Vandame

Orphans by Bram Ellens

Once I had finished the trail I headed home. Another set of sculptures caught my eye. Three horses outside the Minster Court. Pretty impressive.

Group of three horses by Althea Wynne

Next I passed by the Tower of London and the Superbloom. The moat has been transformed into a wild flower garden to attract pollinators. It could equally be called Hayfever Central. It looks beautiful with over 20 million (how do they count) flowers in bloom.

Once I had crossed Tower Bridge I followed the usual route back through Southwark Park but this time headed towards the river and ran along the Thames to Deptford. I then took the Ravensbourne River trail through the back streets and saw some new street art.

Just two miles were left to get home. 17 miles in total and another treasury of free art to be found in the Capital.

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