Half way

It's time for my usual 6 month round up. How is the year going so far? Am I on track to achieve my goals? What have I managed to do? What now for the rest of the year?

Firstly I have been very fortunate, and I am thankful, for the lack of injuries and illness in the first half of 2022. This is something I never take for granted. I seek to make the most of every run, and the opportunity to do so.

My goals coming into the year were around self care. Stretching, reducing alcohol intake, meditation and core strength. While I have done well on the meditation and lower alcohol consumption (2 months off, one month on) the stretching and core work has been sporadic at best. Must do better.

As the year progressed I began to form more specific goals. In the back of my mind was the usual run the number of miles in the year i.e. 2022. I'm currently over 1600 so that looks likely. 

I then added PBs at every distance. So far the 5k (17:54) and Marathon (3:10) have been achieved. 10K and Half Marathon to go.

Kempton Marathon and PB

100 all time marathons and 300 parkruns are looking healthy with five marathons to complete and four parkruns to go by the end of the year.

#ultras4autism has been the big focus. This is my fundraising campaign for the National Autistic Society. I set out to raise £2000 for NAS by running ultra marathons. I have already hit the target and hope to push it higher. Thanks to all who have supported and encouraged me through words and gifts.

The official ultras on the list so far have been:
However I've also managed quite a few ultras alone or with friends including:
The Lake District Challenge was the longest distance I have ever run - 100km (64 miles). 

It was also one of the beautiful places I have managed to visit and run. Others include the Trossachs, Greensand Way, Chiltern Hills, North Downs, Epping Forest, Surrey Hills, and Northern Ireland. I've run in all four countries that make up the UK.

So what next? Three more runs are planned; 50 miles supporting Matt Shimwell on his North Downs 100, a 50 miler in the Peak District, and the London Marathon both ways back to back. I also have a 10k PB attempt set up for August and a Half Marathon PB attempt in September. 

There are still many places I hope to run including Northumberland, Snowdon, and New Forest. That should keep me going.

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