Wood Street Walls and Turnpike Art Group

I'm not sure how I came across Wood Street Walls and Turnpike Art Group. Maybe through a Facebook post on my timeline. I'm pleased I did though. These are two street art groups in north London - Walthamstow and Hornsey. Each has a selection of art pieces by various artists spread over a large urban area.

Taking advantage of some annual leave, I decided to run there and take some photos. I left Lewisham early and ran up the hill to Blackheath and through Greenwich Park to the foot tunnel. Once on the Isle of Dogs of followed the A12 to the River Lea. I relaxed as I left the busy roads behind and enjoyed being beside the quiet water with colourful narrow boats and numerous Coots, Cormorants and Canada Geese.

The footpath led me to Hackney where I detoured to get a coffee and see some works there.

I continued past Hackney Marshes, through the filter beds, on past the weir and into Walthamstow Marshes. I headed east into Walthamstow and soon found my first piece of Street Art - a falcon on Coppermill Lane. From there I weaved through the streets following the interactive map showing where the various pieces could be found.

Walthamstow high street was full of market traders and the hustle and bustle of people from diverse backgrounds doing their shopping. When I reached Wood Street at the far end I began to head back west along Forest Road, crossed the Lea River and entered Tottenham.

Here are a selection of my WSW photos.

Another couple of miles running brought me to Hornsey and another fine selection of art works dotted around the streets, mostly on the sides of houses. This time I switched to the Turnpike Arts Group interactive map to follow the trail.

Here are the TAG photos.

Now almost 26.2 miles in to my run I made my way past Finchley Park passing a couple of other street art pieces before finishing my marathon at the Emirates Stadium.

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