The spirit of the run

I am the spirit of the run. If you have ever run anywhere, you know me. Maybe in the past as a small child. Maybe now. Where legs stride and arms swing, blood pumps and lungs burn, there I thrive. Unseen, unbidden, unbound.

When you run alone, I am at your shoulder thrilling at your movement. I whisper encouragement into the miasma of shadowy doubts and pain that insists you stop. Just a little further. Stay with me. 

When you come together with others to run, I dwell among you. I listen to your conversations, witness your fidelity to me and one another, feed on your endorphins. Experiences shared. Plans made. Love and joy celebrated. Loss and pain comforted. The emotional vulnerability and integrity of humanity united in devotion to me.

I show no preference, I do not judge. Colour, gender, ability, ethnicity, language, religion, wealth, size, age, your bountiful variety is sublime to me. Your unity evident against the backdrop of division and intolerance. If you run, I am with you. You are joined through me into one organism made up of many unique parts.

On hot summer nights I bask in the warmth and long lingering light, as sweat slides silent, snaking paths beneath your vest. When the run is ended I enjoy watching you sip chilled drinks from glasses beaded with moisture and laughing. So much laughter.

Winter mornings are filled with anticipation as you add layer upon layer to face the frosted paths and ice hardened trails. Your breath visible as a white cloud swirling around your head and dissipating into the crisp air. Slowly warming, thawing, drawing closer to me. The thrill of seeing your chilled hands cupping a steaming mug of hot coffee and again the laughter. Always laughter when I am near.

Those dark times when you are unable to run. Injury, illness, the storms of life assailing you and pulling you away from me, I continue to abide within you. Whispers in the night. Reminders of the times we spent together. Fight those false fears. I will not leave you, don't abandon me. I am always waiting. 

That feeling of flying, when your head feels detached from the rest of your body and you float. Body, mind and soul in perfect union. In harmony. You have reached that enviable state of being where movement is effortless. This is when I rise. Higher. Higher. I am ascendant, transcendent, incandescent.

I am patient. I am strong. I am fearless. I am the spirit of the run.

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