A Capital challenge

In six days I will undertake my biggest running challenge yet. I'll be attempting the Capital Ring.

Just after I arrived in London I began to follow a couple of local running groups. I was interested to see who the local runners were, and where the good routes took people. In the absence of parkrun and official club nights this was my only way of getting to know people.

A couple of months ago I saw a post by two local runners asking for people to join them to run the Capital Ring. I looked it up and discovered this is a walking route that encircles London. Turns out it is 78 miles long and split into 15 sections, however they were planning the run the whole thing in one go. My interest was peaked and I made it known that I was interested.

A few weeks ago one of them had to drop out due to lack of training leaving just Matt Shimwell. He contacted me to see if I was still interested in joining him. At the time I was running a marathon every week so my fitness was good. But good enough to tackle a triple marathon in one day? Before I could think about it too much I said yes. This kind of decision making has served me well in the past. 

The date was set for 17th October 2020. Since then I have continued to run the same mileage as before, roughly 40-50 miles per week. Three weeks ago I became ill. This led to a two week break. I figured that was a good thing. Enforced rest and recuperation, something I am very bad at enforcing. 

Last week I ran 50 miles but aggravated my ankle. It is still sore, but I'm relieved it doesn't seem to be my achilles which I first feared. I think it will be fine if I rest it in the lead up to the day and take pain killers. Not ideal, but what preparations ever are?

I've put together my kit list including Vaseline, a head torch, portable power pack, plasters, Ibuprofen gel, face mask and flapjacks. My kit is washed and ready, including spare socks and t-shirt. Matt has produced a detailed plan of checkpoints and estimated times. We have a planned lunch break for pizza and a few other runners joining us for parts of the route - particularly the last miles.

Our aim is to leave at 4am from Northover in Lewisham. We will run clockwise through south London to Richmond where we cross over the Thames. The route then goes north to Harrow where it turns towards the east. Just before Stratford we turn south and cross back under the Thames at Woolwich. We hope to complete the ring by 9pm. That's the plan anyway.

The weather is currently looking good. Cool, calm and dry. I'm expecting a physical challenge and also a mental one. This is more than twice my previous longest run. I have done the distance before, but over two days. I'm not underestimating the scale of the challenge, but nor am I being daunted. I am nervous and excited. 

My motivation is my daughter. I want her to know that her dad attempted something huge and completed it; to learn that you can push yourself past your perceived limits and achieve things that seem impossible. No pressure then...

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