The week off

It has been a tough week. I've forced myself not to run for seven days and I don't like it.

Why the enforced lay off? Partly it was because I felt unwell last week. I became paranoid I might have Cornoavirus despite having none of the symptoms. 

I read a good article in Runner's World about the need to rest and realised I hadn't had more than four days off since...well, I can't remember when, certainly the last year. Maybe straight after my Run The Date Challenge in September 2019.

So I haven't run since last Tuesday morning and it is now the following Tuesday night. I plan to go out tomorrow. 

I think it has been good to give my body a break, but also my mind. I find the more I run, the more I want to run. The challenges I set myself also take over and dominate my thoughts. Last week all I could think about was completing my parkrun 20202020 challenge and how quickly I could finish my attempt to run Lewisham Borough. Now my mind has stilled.

This is a good article on the value of a running break: Runandsmile

On Sunday I am running the Kent Marathon which was postponed from the Spring. No fast time. A couple of weeks later I have an even bigger challenge. Watch this space.

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