The parkrun 20202020 Challenge - Number 4

For my fourth parkrun of the challenge I headed over to Beckenham. This was the second one that I have done solo and so I had to do some research into the route. It seemed quite straight forward, two clockwise loops following the treeline.

The run over was around four miles which was a good warm up. I took the less direct route to avoid roads and followed the River Pool Linear Park and Waterlink Way. The course is on the east side of the park and a large dead tree that marks the start and finish point was easily identifiable on the website page and in real life.

I set off reasonably fast in a clockwise direction along the gravel path heading south and then turned right onto the grass where there was a marked trail made by walkers and runners. This turned to the east around a clump of trees and then back into another field covered in bright yellow buttercups.

Turning west and then north again the trail went under the tree cover and took a circular route around a large oak in the far corner of the park. From here I followed the gravel path back around to the start/finish. One loop done and half way. I stepped up for the final loop and finished strong in 19:10.

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