The parkrun 20202020 Challenge - Number 1
The first of my 20 parkruns in under 20 minutes in 2020 took place on January 4th in Ashford when I managed a course PB of 18:33. I had felt lousy before the run, even retching, but once we were under way I hammered out the first mile and then it was simply (!!) a case of hanging on.
Prakash is recovering from injury but was still ahead of me on the final mile. He can go sub 17 on a good day and he was nowhere near that, I knew this was my chance to beat him and that helped push me on. I managed to pass him and hold on. He was running well within himself but it was the like the old days when I used to beat him before he got too fast!
The course is a good one for a fast time. It is relatively flat and sheltered from the wind. Starting at the top of Victoria Park the path heads down towards the elaborate Hubert fountain. Apparently this was made in Paris and spent time in London and Wye before making it's home in the park in 1912.
Running around the fountain, the course turns left parallel with the Great Stour river and train line and continues for 1km before veering off to the right in a loop bringing you back on yourself. This time there is a right turn which brings you back towards the start up a short steepish hill.
The second lap follows the same route but at the end involves turning off the path before the fountain and taking a dog leg left towards the funnel.
The day was cool and there was a slight breeze. Good conditions. 350 people took part which was the second highest attendance in the six year history of the Ashford event. I managed sixth place.