Run The Date - Day 9

Date: Monday 9th September

Distance: 9 miles

Motivational quote: "Effort is like toothpaste, you can always squeeze out a bit more."

Sponsor: Fiona Stanton

Song: Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana

Running partner: John Lawrence

Weather: Cool and dry

Fuel: Tuna sandwiches and crisps

Route: Hythe and back

Comments: Following Sunday’s exertions, I allowed myself a longer rest and ran on the evening of the 9th. John kindly offered to come with me which I appreciated as I wasn’t looking forward to it. I had felt lethargic all day and particularly when looking after an energetic 3-year-old all afternoon.

We set off and headed for Hythe. Once we had descended Sandgate Hill into Sandgate it is pancake flat all the way. It had rained earlier so the air felt fresh and there was little wind. After a couple eof miles I felt much more alive.

The sun was obscured by clouds, so it was already getting dark by 7:30. There was a definite feeling that summer has now passed. On reaching Hythe we began to look for a number 9 for the photo. At the end of the promenade is an army firing range and there on the top of the hill were the numbers 1-10. Perfect.

At the end of the beach was a hut with a sign saying no entry when red flag is flying. There was a big red flag next to it. We ran on regardless but soon heard a loud voice over a loud speaker shouting “Stop!”

Caught red footed.

Like a couple of kids we made our feeble excuses, namely that we didn’t see the flag as we were ‘in the zone’. He accepted it but didn’t buy it. We returned the way we had come tails between our legs. As we were wondering where to find a big number 9, I spotted a coiled flex on the outside of a building in the exact shape of a 9. Perfect.

Photo taken, we ran through Hythe along the canal path and through the golf course. It was so peaceful, the turning leaves on the trees reflected in the still water, a family of swans gracefully gliding along and no people or cars.

John and I ran in silence, enjoying the fact that we could do so without it being awkward. I would say seven of the nine were spent without any talking and it was great, not just because I didn’t have John banging on, but it enabled us to relish the tranquillity of the evening.

The canal ended and we returned to the seafront following the sea to the Lower Leas Park then running up the zig zag path to finish.

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