Run The Date - Day 21
Distance: 21 miles
Motivational quote: "Out on the roads there is fitness and self discovery and the person we were destined to be."
Sponsor: Helen Hay
Song: One more time - Daft Punk
Running partner: Folkestone parkrun
Weather: Hot, sunny and breezy
Fuel: Shreddies, coffee, banana, veggie fry up
Route: Hythe, parkrun and around Folkestone
Today I left early to try and get half the amount done before parkrun. It was due to be a hot day so an early start would mean cooler temperatures too.
My route took me through Cheriton and on to Tesco where I bought a drink and paid a visit. After that I descended Horn Street into Seabrook and followed the canal to Hythe. I continued all the way through the town and made my way to the seafront, collecting some conkers on the way.
At this point I realised I was going to be running into a strong headwind all the way back to Folkestone and I would only just make parkrun. It was a tough slog and I arrived a few minutes after everyone had already started. They were all disappearing up the hill and the leaders were already a mile in!
Gradually I caught up with the tail runners and then the rest of the field. One by one I passed people until I had caught up with John and Neil and Quinn who was doing his 10th run.
We finished and went to the traditional Saturday morning coffee and cake although I had a big veggie fry up and two coffees. John looked awful as he had a terrible hangover so that lifted my spirits!
I ran back to John's to make sure he was able to get home OK and then carried on to complete the final seven miles. I wanted to finish the whole 21 by lunchtime leaving me a good 28 hour rest before my next run on Sunday afternoon. This would be the longest break I would get between now and the end in nine days time.
This time I headed east into the wind again and over the top of the town at the foot of this hills. Soon I was on the east side and descending to Sunny Sands where the wind was now at my back. I followed the beach, cut across the harbour, went up and down the harbour arm and along to Mermaid Bay. My watch beeped to signify I had finished my 21st mile and I jumped straight into the sea to cool off.
I felt very strong today, even into the wind. The 21 miles took me less than three hours which I was surprised at and pleased with. Tomorrow I'm doing another single long run, this time 22 miles.
Today I left early to try and get half the amount done before parkrun. It was due to be a hot day so an early start would mean cooler temperatures too.

At this point I realised I was going to be running into a strong headwind all the way back to Folkestone and I would only just make parkrun. It was a tough slog and I arrived a few minutes after everyone had already started. They were all disappearing up the hill and the leaders were already a mile in!
Gradually I caught up with the tail runners and then the rest of the field. One by one I passed people until I had caught up with John and Neil and Quinn who was doing his 10th run.
We finished and went to the traditional Saturday morning coffee and cake although I had a big veggie fry up and two coffees. John looked awful as he had a terrible hangover so that lifted my spirits!
I ran back to John's to make sure he was able to get home OK and then carried on to complete the final seven miles. I wanted to finish the whole 21 by lunchtime leaving me a good 28 hour rest before my next run on Sunday afternoon. This would be the longest break I would get between now and the end in nine days time.
This time I headed east into the wind again and over the top of the town at the foot of this hills. Soon I was on the east side and descending to Sunny Sands where the wind was now at my back. I followed the beach, cut across the harbour, went up and down the harbour arm and along to Mermaid Bay. My watch beeped to signify I had finished my 21st mile and I jumped straight into the sea to cool off.
I felt very strong today, even into the wind. The 21 miles took me less than three hours which I was surprised at and pleased with. Tomorrow I'm doing another single long run, this time 22 miles.