
That’s it. No more running this month. 135 miles completed and now time for some proper rest and recovery. My aim this week is to eat well and stock up my muscle reserves while resting and ensuring I have covered all the planning I need to do.

Just 4 days to go!

Today I met with Ali Chambers who is the Chief Executive of Folkestone Rainbow Centre who I am running to raise money for. We spent about an hour chatting and filming some interview questions that will appear later this week to answer questions people may have about the charity.

Just to warn you it is a hot day so my bald head may be a bit shiny. Also, it was recorded on a phone and the sound isn’t brilliant but Stephen Rayner is going to do an edit for me so it should look much better by the time it goes out. Big thank you to Ali and Jana for making it happen.

Above you can see my planned mileage in graph form. I think it looks quite good like that. AT the bottom of this post you can see the more scary graph showing the cumulative mileage!

So, time for August’s review:


135 miles run
Twilight marathon completed 8/12
Physio gave the all clear
Run The Date Challenge planned out

Finishing the Twilight Marathon at Rye Harbour was this month’s greatest achievement and probably one of the achievements of my running to date. 50mph wind for over 13 miles meant that it was a case of digging deep both physically and mentally.

Goals for September

Complete the Run The Date Challenge!
Don’t get seriously injured or die trying.


Again it has to be the marathon in Rye. The highlight of this highlight however, was the teamwork between John and I. Taking it in turns to face the wind and giving the other a rest meant we were able to perform much better than we otherwise would have. The encouragement we shared (for a change) was also much needed.

Lesson learned: It isn’t always about the time OR the distance. Sometimes running is just about the companionship and being there for one another.

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