Thanks to...

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank a few people before I begin my challenge.

First of all my family for putting up with my crazy ideas and allowing me the time to do this.

All my colleagues at Mission Aviation Fellowship who have supported me in word and action through their encouragement, interest and giving so generously.

Ali and Jana at Folkestone Rainbow Centre for their help and willingness to get involved and make this happen; also for all their hard work on behalf of those the Centre serves.

Physiologic in Hythe has donated a session later in the month to help with my physical concerns and niggles. Huge thanks to them for this.

Bald Monkeys Running Club for their friendship and coffee & cake sharing moments. Especially John Lawrence who puts up with my crazy ideas and inane chunterings like no one lese could.

The local running clubs who have agreed to let me run with them over the course of the challenge; Folkestone Running Club, South Kent Harriers, Hawkinge Harriers and Dover Road Runners.

Kevin Hart, Molly Runs, Ben Smith, Sean Conway, Steve Cory, Chris Lamb, Martin Salmon and many others whose own challenges have intrigued and inspired me to do this.

Stephen Page at Folkestone Herald and Clayton Thomson at Academy FM for helping promote the challenge locally.

All those who have agreed to run with me over the course of the month: Duncan , Chesny, MAF C25K group, Paul, Martin, Kevin and Claire, John, Kevin W, and Trevor.

Last and not least all those who have given on my Virgin Giving page.

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