

200 miles run
North Downs Marathon completed. 7/12 for the year.
Run Folkestone completed – every road in the town.

Goals for August

Twilight Marathon 8/12
Rest to prepare for Run the Date in September
Physio appointment
Regular stretching


July ended up being a busy month. I had the idea of running every public road in Folkestone and couldn’t rest until I had completed it. What began as an idea soon became a project as I mapped out my routes religiously, filling the gaps and feeling a sense of fulfilment as each area was covered.

It also meant that I was able to explore all the lesser known areas and cheeky short cuts that I would never have seen otherwise. I did get some strange looks as I ran up and down the cul-de-sacs, but no one reported me for suspicious behaviour.

Lessons learned

No big lessons this month. I guess the small but significant one during the marathon was to pay attention to the route. With just a couple of miles to go I let my concentration wander and ended up taking a wrong turn which added another half mile to the course – it could so easily have been more.

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