Eat The Date

There are three key areas I need to focus on if I am to complete my challenge next month. They are diet, rest and stretching. Over the next three days I’ll share a little about the importance of each.

The analogy of a car engine is often used to explain the importance of what we eat to our performance. The fuel must be good for the vehicle to run well. This applies to everyone, all the time, but has increased significance when undertaking strenuous exercise.

Normally I survive on a relatively healthy diet supplemented by copious amounts of sugar in the form of chocolate and cake. Not ideal but enough balanced food groups and calories to be healthy – apart from my teeth.

I’m a pescatarian so I eat fish but no meat or poultry. This means more pulses, vegetables, Quorn, tofu and dairy ingredients. I also supplement this daily with multi-vitamins and cod liver oil tablets.

I drink water regularly throughout the day with the aim of taking in at least 2 litres and mix in some Redbush and Herbal teas..

With such a large monthly mileage ahead – in particular from the middle of the month – I will need to increase my calorific content hugely and ensure I am consuming enough protein (to repair the muscles) carbohydrates (to provide energy) and electrolytes (to replace the vital salts and minerals lost through sweating).

My plan is to boost my protein by eating more eggs, nuts and tuna, and for carbs I’ll be feasting on pasta and pizza. It’s a tough job etc…

As for drinks I’ll mix a protein shake mix after every run. I’ll also take water with me and ensure I drink plenty during my runs and throughout the day. I have electrolyte tablets which I can dissolve in the water.

If I stick to this plan I should be sure to always have enough fuel in the tank and remain fully hydrated.

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