I've rediscovered my mojo

Today I had my best run for six weeks.

Since August I have struggled to find my running mojo. Runs have been laboured, boring and painful. It has been a mental battle as much as a physical one. My back and hips have been sore while my mind has done everything possible to sabotage me. I thought I had fallen out of love with running.

The few runs I have done included the Northampton Half Marathon, a seventeen mile fundraising run around the town's churches and parkrun. It has been an effort to put my trainers on and get out. I have been relieved to finish each run and questioned why I do it.

I did have to force myself out on this wet, grey, damp autumn day but once I started I soon found my rhythm. After the first mile my breathing was settled and my mind began to relax. I started to notice the incredible colours of the trees in Abington Park. Bright yellows, deep reds and russet browns. There was a gentle breeze and, despite the lack of sunshine, it felt bright and unseasonably warm.

The miles flew by and I was soon on the home leg feeling fresh and had to be strong not to extend my route and risk ruining the experience. My mind wandered onto a number of topics enabling me to clear my thoughts and make important decisions. I was aware that for the first time in months I was entering a mindful state rather than fighting against myself.

One of the reasons for this change could be the fact that I left my GPS watch at home. Not having a device telling me how far I had come, or how quickly I was running took pressure off me. I wasn't able to push myself or set any goals which I am in the habit of doing. Instead I just enjoyed the moment.

Placing so much emphasis on speed and distance over the last few months has resulted in losing the pleasure of a good, relaxing run. Today I rediscovered that. I still like to push myself from time to time but these gentle runs are just as important. I'll try not to forget that again.

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