PB challenge complete

I'm pleased to report that I succeeded in this year's challenge to break my PB's at all distances with time to spare. In fact plenty of time to spare. If this was a football match it would still be the opening minutes of the second half! Having achieved a new 5K PB in February, a half marathon PB in March and a marathon PB in April I only had the mile and 10K to go My first opportunity to tackle the mile came on 20th June at the Magic Mile event. Tactically I volunteered at parkrun beforehand to save energy and gave my all which was enough to secure my first ever first place finish and a new PB of 5:38. Shortly after this I went on holiday for two weeks and due to the heat was unable to run at all. The Saturday after we returned I had signed up for a local 10K but wasn't sure whether the enforced rest would help or hinder my ability to go under 40 minutes. My only other 10K time was a training run of 42:30 but I had yet to set a time under race conditions. The...